My training is in cryptography, security, and privacy. Early in my career, I was advised to not be a generalist, but as I greatly admired the generalist to whom I was speaking at the time, I ignored this advice with—
so far—
only a few regrets. At various times and places, I've studied combinatorics, number theory, elliptic curves, multiparty computation, private payment systems, cryptocurrencies, key management, medical device security, and anticensorship systems.
I have developed a particular fondness for bridging the gap(s) between theory and practice. As I can get lost in abstractions, I prefer to work on problems inspired by a concrete, demonstrated need, especially as part of a collaborative effort to design and implement real-world systems.
A place for pictures and ideas to land, from comments on recent reading to the rough ideas informing my formal writing. And my travel blog, started when I travelled across North America towing my airstream, and now much-neglected. Often written with tea at hand.
After five years as co-founder and Chief Scientist at Bolt Labs, I am currently taking some time to work on personal projects. Check back for updates!
I am not offering consulting at this time, but I could be tempted by a not-for-profit venture, or, I suppose, a particularly interesting problem domain.
C. M. Swanson (swan)
swan AT travellingcryptographer.com